Rainbow six siege


Evan | 23 years old

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Just looking for a more serious gaming experience.

online experience

  • 14 Years of gaming experience, 1+ of R6, 10 Years of FPS

offline experience

  • United States Army, Several Managers Postitions


Hey There! So a little about me I am currently serving in the United States Army. I have been gaming since I was about 6 years starting on the game cube, working my way from PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 up to have a few gaming rigs. I tend to lean more towards strategy games like Total War and Civilizations but recently I have returned to my roots of FPS. I am highly competitive, I have been told I am a natural born leader. I excel at leading small elements of the larger force, rarely fail in getting the objective complete. I am loyal and will fight tooth and nail to win the game. I used to play rainbow at Gold level but I could have been higher but I had life events that prevented me from playing. I live on my own so the only schedule I have to deal with is work regular 9-5 (with gym before). I occasionally will have to be gone for a whole day or two due to the Army. I am reliable and and am willing to work at my deficiency's. I feel I would be a great addition to any team.


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