Rainbow six siege


Anthony | 20 years old

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Want to be an Esport player for R6 on the Xbox One and be recognized and I'm willing to practice, prepare, and master with a team that is dedicated to Rainbow and to each other not as a bunch of nerds but a family.

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I'm a Gold and Plat player I have a 1.1KD I have the drive to keep going and I want to be the best of the best I want to have a clan, team, friends, or whatever is possible for me to achieve Fame, Fortune, and Remembrance I want to be a legend but I just need the right people to get me there I want people to look at a team with me on it and say that's the team that's the clan who won it all I have been held back by other teammates who are just throwing, don’t care about rank so don’t try, Ddosers, etc. I know I can become a way better player than I’m already am I’m done waiting for the right ransoms to play I want to win now!


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