Rainbow six siege


Nathan Steinert | 21 years old

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I want to make it onto a well known e sports team like Liquid, G2, or Penta at some point. I want to win many tournaments along the way also. Mainly I just want to bring enjoyment to other gamers and inspire them to follow their dreams no matter how large they are

online experience

  • MLG tournament (small)

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I am a young gamer that highly enjoys video games, and is looking for a chance to get in to some level of E sports, I have been playing Rainbow Six competitive for over a few years on PS4 and switched to PC because i wanted to get better at the game and get my friends into it as well. I have been slowly getting better at the game, i started at a very low rank and have peaked at high Gold 1 and almost made it into platinum. I am a very determined person when I set my mind to something. I think I work pretty well with others, and recently I have been trying to be a "team leader" for my friends when we play.


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