Rainbow six siege


Lara Misovich | 17 years old

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I want to find a team that I can have fun with while also taking the game seriously. I say I have a group of friends, but we don't always have a vibe that works. I also want to get my rank up I don't know if that's what Esport teams do together but maybe. But mainly I just want friends yeah I have a group but they don't even like siege that much they'll play during events and maybe we vibe one night, but they're more into other games. So I want a group who will be willing to play with me, and get better at the game alongside me or even teach me a few things.

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Hi, my name is WaldosNecktie, but you can call me Waldos, Waldo, Necktie, or Oliver I don't care. I can play freely most of the time besides Tuesdays. I must admit I like to do meme strats, but I know how to take the game seriously. My strong operator on defense is mainly Mira, but I can play Doc or Thunderbird along with Valkyrie. On attack, I hop between Lion, Finka, Sledge, Armaru, Osa, Hibana, Kali, Ace, Blitz, Glaz, Twitch, and Thermite. I currently have a rank of Silver 2 with 0.5 K/D. I intend to get that up. My aim is something I've been working on for a bit, getting better. My friends say I have good callouts but it depends on the situation. I also make music videos and intend on making montages soon. So I'm no stranger to the basics of video editing if that would help at all. I should tell you im a bit shy when it comes to things like discord severs, twitch chats, or messages. I just never know what to say or type or I feel like ima say the wrong thing/do the wrong thing.
I'm 14 years old and hope to work with whoever offers me a spot. Of course, that's if you don't mind my not 18+ age thing.
Thanks for reading my resume!


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