Rocket League


Antone | 38 years old

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Grow with an organization and play some serious games with folks who are looking to do the same

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  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • 10+ Years of Television Producing / Editing
  • Business Owner


Hello, I am Antone, I'm old - 36, a business owner, a television producer, and a rocket league addict. I have been playing since it was free to play the first time. OG. I spent a lot of time learning how to defend, rotate, and find the right position to make the right plays. I've spent most of my time playing pucks. I just like the concentration on rotation and positioning and the bromanship of hockey. I am a stupidly reliable third but can mix into other rotations and hold my own when the team needs more than solid d. I know how to read a game situation, when we need to push, when we need to defend, when we need a miracle... I have learned more and more how to keep my emotions in check and hustle back to make the next play. I play as a teammate, I try to pick and choose shots instead of blasting at every jump ball, and I love to win. Can take an L, but you know, Nice Moves. gg.


Lemme know if you wanna chat more!


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