Rocket League


Mohammed | 22 years old

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Squad Squad


My ambition would be to make more friends and get close through playing Rocket League but as a squad where we can achieve more goals and enjoyment out the game through comms and definitely through tournaments. I'm no Rizzo or Squishy or Musty but I definitely do want to improve playing the game and getting GC rather than my friend saying I got carried when I do all the assists xD. I don't see myself toxic and when there's a conversation I definitely do know how to join in so if we were able to qualify for even some tournaments that had even a lil reward or even get me the GC title I'm all in it to win it.

online experience

  • Digital Marketing
  • CS:GO
  • Fortnite

offline experience

  • Mandatory Education


I've always played on PC and have grown up playing many games where now I've landed myself in Rocket League. Currently, I have 850+ hours nearing to 900 game time and I would say I'm a diamond in nearly every game mode apart from solos. I've hit champ a couple of times in standards 3 and have lost it many times lol. But I would say that's because I've dedicated my time to college but with that finished, I've found myself playing the game more with a friend and I'm willing to put more hours into the game as a squad player. I play 2v2 with him but so I've learnt how to position myself the hard way xD without using comms but we're now communicating with each other on Discord. I'd say rather than a goal scorer I'm more of a defensive player who shadows a lot and passes more but my passes can be shots as well when I'm lucky. Some would get toxic at that but I just enjoy playing the game and I would like to play with more people as a squad and if we were able to achieve more then I'm all in. I do work full-time now but during the evenings and weekends I'm down to be a true gamer and if there are any tournaments then count me in.


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