Rocket League


Canaan | 19 years old

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I am trying to go as high as I possibly can. RLCS (although that's very slim chances, but you never know!) but most likely more around amateur+!

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My name is Canaan. I play rocket league and that's about it. I'm a low diamond who's looking for a team to help me progress. I feel like when I play with better players I progress extremely quick; Example, When I was silver 2, I started playing with my friends in diamond and champ, now, 3 months later, I'm low diamond! I love to play rocket league so much it's dangerous, I'm a positive team mate, I accept any and all criticism (except those such as "What A Save!") I know how to rotate very well for my rank, I know far post rotations, 2s and 3s. I have around B- mechanics for plat3-diamond1, I can air dribble consistently (I hit 1 every 2-3 games) I can also ceiling shot, flick, dribble and wave dash in game not just for looks. I would really love if someone would reach out to me and just give me a chance! HMU in the twitter DMs, on twitch, and on xbox messages. All GT/Names are @DiscoKrakn (twitter is @Dkrakn) GLHF


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