Rocket League


| N/A years old

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My goal is to go pro. By next year I will be SSL. I am going to dedicate as much time as I can to play an learn the game. I am starting from scratch. What made me really get into aerials was because I played with a gc recently. As we were playing a ball was in the air and he told me oh I know you're not going for it. It made me realize there is more to rocket league when you genuinely understand. Each rank I go I start seeing things better, knowing angles and learning about rotations. I am going for it.

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I am a brand new Rocket League Player. I started January 1st. In the beginning I lost every match. I was bronze one. I slowly taught myself the mechanical skills and devote my time and now without anyone to carry me I made it to diamond in 2s. I have been in multiple tournaments silver and Platinum.

I also play against lots of high players in customs. I believe I would be a great asset to a team. I can not only do gfx and vfx but I am a huge team player and Im ready to commit to something bigger. When I get into something I go all the way. I can bring my package but I do feel that with the right people I can develop and get better. Right now im a rock ready to become the diamond and with a bit of polish and team I can devote myself I will have a whole new playstyle and I will be an amazing player.


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