Rocket League


Benjamin Cowan | 18 years old

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I want to get better and possibly make money so my mom doesn’t have to worry but it’s ok if I don’t get payed I just want to play

online experience

  • I’ve played against a pro
  • Played against athena

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I want to get into the pro scene because I put a lot of dedication into rocket league and I want to have fun and get better. In my opinion i will get better going against better players. Another reason is because I want to start streaming but I feel like nobody would watch it I wasn’t on a team or something. And my last reason is because I want to see new people and make more friends. I feel like on teams people know each other more than other people and have very great chemistry and just get a long in general and they always have someone to play with not just one person. Oh my last reason is that I want to help my mom in finances and buy my own things so she doesn’t have to but it’s ok if I get a team who doesn’t pay I just want to play on one


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This player is no longer available

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