Rocket League


Hector | 16 years old

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My ambitions are to hit GC by the end of the season. Also my ambitions are to help my teammates the most I can. All I care about are my teammates and having good team play.

online experience

  • Played Fortnite before but now I don’t. Also played allot of fifa,madden,and Nba2k. Now I only focus on RL and RL only.

offline experience

  • I’m a nice guy and always try to stay out of trouble, I also make sure I praise my friends or if something happens to them I make sure that they keep their chin up like a king.


Hey, my name is HectorGamingYT. I’m a Champ I in 2v2s. I’m also a RL content creator. I had over 24k on Tiktok but it got banned, made a new one and it’s sitting at a comfortable 770 followers. On Twitch I also have 625 followers. I’m very dedicated to this game and I’m a hard worker. I watch a ton of YouTube videos on how to get better and on how to learn new mechanics. I’m not that good at mechanics at all but, I have very good game sense. That’s the reason why I’m Champ II. Why should u recruit me? I promise that when I’m put on your team, I would work very very very hard and grind very very very hard to try and be a leader of the team and try and help out my teammates.


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