Rocket League


Trestyn | 35 years old

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I’ve always wanted to compete more outside of ranked and really wanna find an opportunity

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I am a c1 2s-3s main with acceptable game sense (heavily working on it), good mechanics with mechanical consistency, very much an offensive aggressive player ,not much of a defensive player but do well for myself defending when I need to. Anyone that has guessed my rank (based off replay analysis or other type of speciation) have guessed no less than high C2-low c3. I just derailed to d2 in 3s from solo queuing but I just got into threes not even a week ago and am progressing very fast. I just got on rocket league a month or two ago from a long break as a high plat-low diamond and I’m now getting back into ranked and have climbed well out of play gone through diamond and plan to grow through champ. I have done well in any other competitive event in-game I’ve played in like 6 mans or other custom competitive events and I’d like to join a team or league. Just me is fine but I have a duo for 2s that I’ve played with for years we play good together and have a very strong built chemistry and coms. I am consistently on every day it’s rare for a day that I don’t play.


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