Rocket League


lumere8040 | 15 years old

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I want to win an RLCS championship one day. I want to rank up as a team and as a solo player. I want to learn new strategies and make useful mechanics. I want to meet some of my RLCS role models. I want some recognition in the RLCS world. And I want to lift other players in all matches.

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I am a champ 1 player (peak is champ 2). I love playing rocket league. Flip resets, double taps, and redshyfting all in game are some of my favorite things to see both on my team and opposing me. While I enjoy freestyling, I try to keep my online and free play hours equal. It improves my mechanical ability, and helps me move around the pitch creatively and score consistently. I don’t like losing, but when I hit smurf SuperSonic Legends and Grand champs in my ones and twos I always enjoy the challenge. I’ve always wanted to compete in RLCS and I enjoy watching it. The high energy, the low moments, the suspense and the payoff when you win. I love it all. I’d like join synegen esports because I want to be on a team, join a community, and compete competitively.


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