Rocket League


Marshall | 27 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Coach Coach


I'd like to find a solid team to grow and learn with.

online experience

  • ~6,000 hours in game

offline experience

  • Countless youtube hours watched to improve and watch pros
  • Attended seasons 4, 7, and Worlds 2022 RLCS LANs


I have been playing Rocket League since release in 2015. A few breaks in between my gameplay from 2015 to current, but total I have ~6,000 hours invested across all platforms. Much of this time has been dedicated to refining mechanics and improving consistency. In 2019, I began coaching and managing two Rocket League teams for Old Dominion University in southeastern VA. My peak was in season 14, I made it to 1850 mmr, roughly 350 mmr above what it took to be in GC back then. I have taken breaks in between then and now, but stayed very loyal to the game and spent a ton of time playing, just not all that much in ranked. I got tired of the online competitiveness and the community to a degree, but I feel like I've gotten good enough and am ready to try playing more seriously again. Please reach out and let me know what opportunities we could create! I love to coach, but I am tactful and know when things are constructive or instead not helpful. I am able to fill many roles but I'm just as happy to be a player, thank you!


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