Rocket League


Naman | 20 years old

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I am looking to grow my rank in hope of participating at the e-sports level and this is a great stepping stone for me as I can develop my skill with a team and soar the ranks. I am also planning on joining the college professional team so any knowledge at this stage is very much valued.

online experience

  • IGL Summer Circuit

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, I'm a 5-year rocket league player who ranges in the realm of C3-GC1 and looking for a solid, reliable, and communicative team that I can train with on a near-daily basis to create a strong foundation. I wish for teammates that I can get to know well and work well with. I have been solo-queuing my entire journey up until this part where I realize I need to join a 3-man and use communications and teamplay to explore higher ranks. I am very open to criticism and will take the opportunity to learn, but I will also speak up when needed to make a better judgment for the team.


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