Rocket League


Dustin | 23 years old

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Ever since I began actively watching RL tourneys I've always wanted to take part in one. Not just RLCS but something as minor as a local LAN tournament. Hitting Champion rank is also a short term goal for me, as I find GC a bit far from my reach at the current moment.

online experience

  • I've participated in several of the qualifying events for RLCS X as well as community tournaments with cash prizes.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I've been playing since its release however I've only played about 1000bhours total and been going hard at it in recent years. Current rank is Diamond 3 and actively learning to better my mechanical abilities and team plays. I've always loved watch RLCS and highly admire Cloud9 as a team, and individual players such as the original G2 team (Kronovi, JKnaps, Rizzo), Arsenal, and jstn. Over the recent years of playing RL on and off, I've mostly played with my brother who we both strived to mechanically grow and played Doubles. Within the past few months I've switched to trying to play more Standard as it's the "proper competitive game mode" and my brother departing for the military.

I do have discord, personal social media, and personal cell number for those who may require it.


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