Rocket League


Zachary | 27 years old

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I really enjoy playing Rocket League and don't see myself ever putting it down. I have played consistently since 2018 and that has allowed me to experience "the grind" to always get better in the game. I like looking forward to see the places I want to go with my skill in the game and playing on a team would be a great way to bring that to the next level.

I don't need to play competitively to have fun; I like to play some chill games with a couple of friends and try our hands at free-styling to challenge ourselves even more mechanically.

online experience

  • Season 3 Grand Champ Tournament Winner
  • Triple Season 2 Champ Tournament Winner

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello, my tag is RocketMario and I am a big fan of Rocket League. I have been playing since 2018 and have logged over 1600 hours in the game. My rank is roughly Champ 3+ after all the mmr shifting that has been occurring the past couple of seasons. Last season I got a triple Season 2 Champ Tournament Winner tag and this season I got a Season 3 Grand Champ Tournament Winner tag with random teammates.

I mostly play with random online players and have been learning how to fluctuate my play style to match my teammates and I would really enjoy getting a team to be able to play consistently and work on those techniques more. I focus a lot on technical and mechanical game play because the skill ceiling for that is very high and I think playing with the same team members will help me develop and sharpen team playing skills. I know a lot of competitive play will require game analysis and play analysis, two techniques I practice during and after play.

Please feel free to reach out; I really enjoy playing the game and am constantly working on getting better at the game.


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