Rocket League

Spellvampz ttv

Kyle | 24 years old

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My goals for myself are as follows. I want to become a better rocket league player and grow with a community or organization that wants to improve their players over the long term. I strive to practice daily and reach forward with my gameplay and mechanics. I work towards finding a team that can accompany my playstyle to its fullest and can use my skills to produce top notch gameplay.

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Hello, thank you for checking out my profile. I am a rocket league grand champ 1-2 player looking for a semi-pro competitive team to play with. I have a lot of experience in CRL along with other semi-pro teams. I have played rocket league since season 3 (old season 3), and would be happy to play with any team that has good chemistry. My main playstyle is disruption and pass plays. I'm always aware of the field and potential plays and put myself in the most optimal spot to receive passes or to take a shot. I am a team player and always look to pass to my teammates which a lot of teams I have played with have players that lack these skills and focus on more solo play. I also have experience in helping schedule and manage a team whether it be scrimmages or tournaments through I am usually always online on steam and I can play anytime.


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