Rocket League


Jason | 49 years old

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- Gain experience and rank
- Help others when I can (Anyone could have coach potential)
- Compete and kick ass for the team.
- Have fun.

online experience

  • PC Technician (nuff said)

offline experience

  • ran a 'Beer Mile' event (came in 2nd place)
  • Play all racquet sports and golf regularly


Hey Everyone,

I'm a mature and chill old school gamer that started playing this, Overwatch recently . At one point I played 3 years of 'World of Warcraft' and became the #2 healer on the entire server (should say good thing about my dedication) .

I'm currently stuck in a low to mid diamond skill level and really believe that the only way up or out is to find a team to join and stop solo queuing. Along with the skill I have and some good one liners once in awhile, I do have some leadership skills and am willing to do a little extra for the 'business' side of the team.

When I'm not swearing at my screen (playin 2200mmr Smurfs) , I'm running my IT Support company, playing badminton, pool, golfing..... or drinking. Usually at the same time of ALL of the mentioned hobbies.

Anyways ,

Thanks for reading this absurdly casual resume!

-Cheers!, J.


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