Rocket League


Jordan Wilson | 19 years old

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To join a team that I can help and play with competitively or casually as I want to not only get better at rocket league but I want to put a name to my self and help others at the game

online experience

  • I have played in some tournaments through streams and stuff not really won but have came close

offline experience

  • I have played in lan tournaments not many because I only just started to go into lans


Hello, my name is Jordan or I do go by jx and I was looking for a rocket league team yes im not the best ill admit that
But I would say I'm alright at the game and was just wondering as I do twitch and as I want to take that further I was going to join a team and play in tournaments and other competitive play games in rocket league.
I'm free most day and I am based in eu so I play on eu servers.
Thank you for reading this and I hope you get back to me ?


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