Rocket League


Stevie King | 34 years old

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To peak my rank above diamond all the way to SLL
To celebrate my teammates and help in everyway i can.
Be active as i can be.
Hopefully join one of these fantastic teams and become a key member of a squad.
Keen to learn new things and listen to any advice given.
Criticism's are always welcome, with the right manor and decorum.
Eventually competing in cups and tourneys to show our strengths its not always about winning. (But its good to win) :D

online experience

  • Rocket League

offline experience

  • No experiences yet



I've been on the rocket league scene since 2016 on and off.
Tried picking the game up seriously and more competitively.
Playing with friends isn't cutting it anymore, it went from fun to frustrating in just a few weeks.
I wish to fully release my potential and peak with some good team mates to dominate the field.

1555 hours currently in.
Highest rank D2 in 2's D1 in 3's plat in 1's
I mainly play 3's which is why I'm seeking a team of active players to take this to another level.
I've always wanted to compete, its never to late to pursue these Esport dreams.

Fully aware of the difference between game sense and mechanics.
Fully aware of Backpost rotations and triangle rotations
Fully aware of not cutting the ball pointlessly or taking risky 50's in front of net.
Keeping the ball close is almost priority.
Boost management still needs work.
Aerial skills are developing currently.
Dribbles are down.
Air-dribbles are developing.
Recoveries are developing.
I've worked hard to get to where I'm at, I plan on working even harder to peak my self and hopefully bring some well timed ripper plays to fellow teammates.


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