

Sterling Davis | 28 years old

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My ambitions are not to only be an upcoming SMITE pro-player, but to be the best Professional SMITE competitor in SMITE history.

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I fell in love with SMITE the day it was free in the Xbox store. I had just been watching videos of it from Weak3n and Djpernicus (I liked the assassin role at the time). by playing it daily and going up the ranks of competitive play. I have led a few clans before and have been a high rank of a few as well, but never saw the competitive scene because we were lacking multiple things. 1. The ability to actually go to local tournaments. 2. As cocky as it sounds I was the anchor in about 9/10 of the games we had ever played. Whether it was Conquest or even just some regular fun games on siege or joust. No matter how many clans (I've been in 8 total) I've been apart of, it seems I have been way out of their skill set. I truly believe I could be a very large and upcoming rookie to the quickly growing competitive scene of SMITE. I want to as an individual be feared like PantherGG of this year's split. Yes everyone went against them, but that doesn't mean they wanted to.


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