
hiro6688 (Due to change)

Oscar | 22 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad


I have a real dream/passion for this game
And there isn't really much in the world that you can be number one at
I really wanna make myself mean something in the community u know, even get to a more professional level doing so
I wanna be that guy who the other team look at and say "damn this isnt gonna be easy"
The guy who, once you thought you banned him out he comes out with anoyher pick and **** even one day the guy that holds that hammer high (or as high as my short self can lift it lol).

online experience

  • Playing with teams, in houses

offline experience

  • Analysing SML/SPL games to improve


I've been playing smite for about 2 and a half years after being introduced to it by a friend. Half a year after we made a team where I would play and eventually find my love for the support role. On top of this I was put in charge of administrating the team: Finding suitable level scrims, advertising/recruiting, holding IDs for scrims, and in general getting people together. Now, I think it's high time I moved to higher levels of play.

Gaming has been a big part of my life from a VERY young age. However, despite the fun I was having, it soon hit me that there was something missing from the things I was playing. It was too repetitive and you didn't have to think much... Then I find smite, and it didn't take very long for me to know that It'd be my favourite game for a long time. In order to play at even the lower levels for me, thinking was a necessity. In order to beat my opponents I had to think about everything - team synergy, jungle rotations and when we could get ganked over in duo, ward spots, analysing the meta through every big **** more I thought, the more I'd win, so I started to learn timers (around the map, relics), how to identify vulnerabilities (e.g. support building Thebes second item, mid laners without pen, etc.).

So, of course, I want to keep learning. I'm hungry to learn and I'm excited to go far in Smite. To do this, I need a team of like minded players who are also wining to learn in a great environment, and feed off of each other's energies.


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