

Robert Kelvy | 126 years old

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My goal is to develop and become better as a player. Competitively I would like to take it as far as it can go. I would love to one day play in the SWC. I realize the odds of that may be slim, but I would be 100% behind efforts to get there. Overall I would really just like to find a good team to consistently play with, have fun, and that can develop a high win ratio and become competitive in tournaments.

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I'm an avid smite player having played since early season 2. I have about 700 hours on my main account. Another 100 or so on an alternate account. And Maybe around 50-100 on PS4. I have never played competitively but have played with some friends off and on over the years. I have found that I have reached a plateau and would like to break through that wall with the help of other experienced players. I am really strictly a team player. I don't do well without team cohesion, tactics, and **** is why I am searching for a team, both to develop as a player and to become more competitive.
*Around 800-850 hours playtime.
*97 God mastery
*Can play any role though ADC is prolly my weakest with Frontline/solo/supp of some kind being my strongest. Mage/mid being a close second.
*Effective team player and communicator. I don't rage and can effectively take respectful constructive criticism.
*Objective and strategy minded. I dont chase kills and always try to make the best play to win the match, not to improve my KDA.


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