

Spartacus | 55 years old

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II'm down for whatever. "Wherever" I end up doing though, Im going to be the best at it. Believe that.

online experience

  • Did qualifiers with a team that i played with for only a few days. We played with a sub in mid and lost both games. But, as support, Dual lane straight won in both matches.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I play everything, and I play everything well. I enjoy playing jungle and support more then the other roles. But I can play every other role in jungle, lol. I have the sickest Apollo jungle. I have 1,500+ hours in the game and an outrageously high KDA for a lifelong solo que'er. I came to MOBA's from strategy games, specifically Starcraft 2, specifically the arcade mode where there were a few basic MOBA concepts that I explored. The top-down view and mouse and keyboard restrictions killed my vibe on the whole thing, until I discovered Smite on Ps4, which fixed everything. In keeping with being a master strategist/tactician I spend a few hours a week theory crafting new builds, item interactions, maximum dps, etc. I also watch the SPL and have gotten to the point where I can watch just the pics and bans and with 99.9% accuracy, gauge the performance of the gods/players throughout the course of the game (Baring massive misplays). I need to be on a team because I completely wreck the matchmaking system. 9/10 games I am the only competent person on my team vs. at least 3 decent players who completely focus me out, and my teams just let it happen because they just don't know better. I play tank, focused and dove under tower. Carry? Focused and dove under tower. Jungle? Every lane is feeding by 10 minutes, every lanes jungle farm is invaded. My 6/0/2 Stat line and 2 level lead at 8 minutes quickly becomes 8/2/2 with a 3 level deficit followed by deacides on cool down. And I've tried to play ranked. But I can't bring myself to suffer through qualifiers with all the gold and bronze players who believe they are the second coming of Jesus. I have the mechanics, I have the knowledge, I have the drive to continually improve, the only thing I don't have is decent competition and it is the only thing holding me back. So getting on a team would be super, just being able to play with even moderately competent players would be a godsend.


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