

F | 27 years old

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None. If you want it you want it, if you don't you don't. But once you get it, you'll never get enough of it. And I'm down for whatever. I'm an extremely talented player who is sick of hi-rez's bullshit matchmaking system that keeps nerfing me with two feeders every game. I'm the only player I've seen who's Elo keeps shooting up while losing over half of my games. And I'm sick of it. I have a PhD. in Jungeling with a Masters in Support with bachelors in ADC and Solo with and Associates in Mid. I make big dick plays consistently. Put. Me. On. A. Team.

online experience

  • Lots.

offline experience

  • Even more.


I'm a chill, smart and insanely talented gamer. I love strategy and rpg games and knew I was a star as soon as I stepped onto the Smite scene. Even when I go 10,0,22 I am always looking at my game play to try and extrapolate and eliminate my failures. I do my damnedest to be a team player and will not hesitate to trade my life to take 3 of the enemies with me. I very consistently create openings for kill streaks and have saved more lives as an ADC then several support players combined. I have let 30 or so players step over my warm body on their way to collecting penta kills. I never waste my abilities, so if you get into trouble, odds are I will be able to give you an opening to get out. I am very proficient at most high level gaming concepts such as kiting, bodyblocking, zoneing, baiting and positioning. I'm like the, sherlock holmes mixed with batman mixed with deadpool of Smite. Yeah. Sooo... I'm pretty much a big deal.


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