

David Morley | 28 years old

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In every game I play I always strive to be one of the top. Whether it's 100% completing a game, or just grabbing the mac rank you can, but you can only get so far by yourself. I've always wanted to learn, teach, and have fun with a group of talented players.

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IGN: RiddlersTruth
Age: 19, 20 in November.
Communication: Curse or Teamspeak. Whatever you have really.
League Conquest: Masters 1 & 2
Availability: Open for now. Getting a new job soon. No school.
Preferred Role: Support. Wanting to learn support, since I mained that in League. Though I got to Masters w/ ADC and Jungle.

Other Games:
Starcraft 2 - Grandmaster 13 times.
1v1 of course, and I also had Diamond to Masters in all other modes.

League of Legends - Challenger 2 times.
Played Support, solo queue. Kinda wished I had a team, but most of them were filled w/ 5 year olds.

CoD Ghosts (I think it was called, haven't touched it in a while) - Platinum
Achieved through weekend clan tournies.

Age of Mythology - 1784 Rating.
I achieved this back when I was 10. That rating is considered pretty good, since 80% of players are below that.

Any other questions? Just ask.


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