Star Wars: Battlefront II


VISHAN RAI | 33 years old

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"Le vent se lève.
Il faut tenter de vivre."

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Well, there not much to say but I am a gamer, I love playing all kind of games. I grew up playing games. I am good at my study too, top of my class always, being part of game never hinder my study. I know when to focus on something. I start as noob but when I begin to enjoy the gameplay, I can destroy opposite team and I will destroy them. But I always love playing support if there is option in the gameplay.

I don't consider myself a leader in game planning since I am good at support and I love remain behind the team but always keep my eye on them, protect them at all cost. I think it's my nature too. For example I am expert in playing Mercy in **** the first to choose support, my winning ratio is high when I play as Mercy in team. I never let my team down. Well only in some scenario when some players were new in game. With good team members, I have never give them chance to die and those who knew me fear my gameplay, always hunted me down LOL.

Battlefront 2, I am very good at sniper, very good, 2 out of 10 hit **** what I love is playing officer, same gameplay as playing Mercy. Love defending the objectives or pushing with team. Take hold of objective no matter what with turret. Heal my friends, give them boost. 4000 battle point within 2 or 3 minutes, I know right card to do that and I stick with objectives. But what I good at is playing Rey or Darth Maul. I am always often at top 5.

I used to love League of Legend but playing DOTA like games, I don't didn't gave me any thrill or way to focus on. My mind was always not in focus while playing this games so I got bored and left. So did my friends. But I will miss all of those friends and enemies I made during those years.

I am also into MMORPG like Blade and soul, black desert, Aion etc. I won't say this games are competitive but stories and PVP make it worth while and kick to my focus. Otherwise I am Bilbo Baggins on journey to discover world of MMORPG.

I am also into Titanfall2, I am not pro but give me a shotgun and then I am in killing spree. Give me a Titan, I chase player not Titans :)

I play lots of steam games too but only for creativity and to compose music and video contents for youtube.

I love puzzles, solving them I can beat AI in chess, I am good at Mathematics and Physics. I am Super Nerd after all.

I can learn any games within a day, I never complain, I am silent team player. That is why I am not a leader material.

I don't drink alcohol or smoke, you can count on me on doing shopping for you or your homework anytime. I won't mind.


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