Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Jonah | 19 years old

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To be able to grow as a content creator whilst playing the games that I love.
To be able to post content regularly on my YouTube channel.
To be able to further develop my Smash Bros skills to become a better player.
To have a team or organisation to support me throughout my journey!

online experience

  • Over 80k views and 150 subs on YouTube
  • Played 500+ hours on online smash, including winning many in-game tournaments and having multiple characters reach Elite Smash

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, I'm JKHero, a growing Australian content creator who mainly plays Super Smash Bros Ultimate! I produce videos on my YouTube channel (linked down below) which usually features clips or comedy relating to Smash. I have been playing Smash semi-seriously for about 2 years, but have played casually since Brawl back on the Wii.

Creating videos is my passion, and I have been running my YouTube channel for over a year. This has allowed me to gain and develop many skills such as editing videos (currently using Premiere Pro for this), creating thumbnails (using Photoshop and Photopea), being able to speak and engage with an audience whilst completing multiple activities, and learning and understanding the YouTube algorithm to use it to my advantage. Using these skills, I have been able to gain over 80k views during the lifetime of my channel, and currently have over 180 subscribers. I also have streaming experience on Twitch however I am currently not active on there. I am open to streaming occasionally in the future.

As for playing Smash, I have only entered a few online tournaments, however I am also considering to compete regularly in the future (either offline or online). I am quite skilled at the game and have put over 500 hours into Smash, but I am looking to be able to develop my skills even further in the future. I currently main Hero, but I am quite experienced with the full roster.

Thanks for reading this, and I hope that there is a cool team out there that I can be apart of!


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