Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Ryan Moss | 32 years old

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My ambitions are to gain renown and focus in climbing to the top with new teammates. I am a writer of science fiction and fantasy, and I've hit a point in my life where I want to live and work in my hobbies rather than dabble in them. Let's win the gold!

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I've been playing Super Smash Bros since I was a little boy. I've always been better at the game than everyone in my friend group, and over time started running out of opponents, as friends no longer wanted to fight me. My main in Ultimate is Toon Link. I'm also good with Link, Cloud, Pokemon Trainer, Samus, and many other fighters. I would be interested in coaching as well, but since I'm new to esports participation I'd like to learn as much as possible going in. I have a berserker on-the-fly fighting style that often times pulls me through duels, free-for-all, and especially teams.


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