Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Ayden Shaw | 18 years old

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I want to help grow, and better you and your team. Everyone has room for improvement, even the best of the best have coaches and helpers from different backgrounds and playing styles. All I want to do is to play, increase the teams levels, and gain experience from you and the team.

online experience

  • Played for bizzare esports

offline experience

  • Played for Independence Esports team.
  • Orchestra Cello 1st chair


My name is Ayden Shaw, I have been playing "Super Smash bros." Since I was 5. I started around the "Brawl" days when Meta-knight was the most overpowered being to ever exist. However, I pushed through it, and when the Wii-U Version came out I was hooked for real this time. My first ever main was Link. Why? I love the series that's why, and I started to get attached but I found a new route, especially after watching Light, the Fox player. I started to play fox a bit more and liked playing him but it would sometimes get too hard.
Then, after playing Smash 4, Ultimate came out. I only played for fun thinking I wouldn't get back into competitive mode again. Then my High school (Independence High school) started an esports team... and smash was on the roster of games. I jumped at this opportunity and even designed the logo for the team. I started playing and also became captain for 6 other players. I have made team training and even made a google sheet for all the information we need to know. We started training, the other schools had a higher roster and were ultimately better than us, but we pushed through. We are now at the top sitting at the 2nd best school in our county and that number is growing tremendously fast.
All I hope here is to help you AND your team.
"The team comes first."
- Ayden Shaw

Thank you and hope to talk soon


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