Tom Clancy's The Division

Savagery Z

Mark Mossenta | 40 years old

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To make the Division 2 run as smooth with the fewest bugs possible to maximize entertainment values for every person playing.

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Hello, my tag is Savagery Z. I've been playing Division 2 since it's realease on both PS4 and now Xbox series X. I have a passion for playing this game ( mostly PVP ) I easily put in 8 hours a day. As many of us know the game is riddled with glitches and bugs and I want to help developers recognize them and most importantly get them fixed so this game can be the best version of itself. There is so much that can be done to fix this game. The feedback and ideas I can provide you guys with would benefit everyone ( new and returning players )

I have a ton of ideas and bugs throughout the maps in conflict and the dz I would love to share with you guys. Thank you.


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