
Baby Yoda

Joakim | 124 years old

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I want to improve at the games I play, and maybe get onto a team. and maybe go pro in valorant if i get the opportunity some day and also have fun!

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I am 18 years old, from Norway. I have played csgo for about 5 years, and ive played valorant since a few weeks into the beta, i consider my self a good player, I have very good gamesense and knowledge about most things, and I am a cooperating teamplayer at all times. I learn fast and I adapt to the mistakes I make and become a better player from it. I have studied and done lots of research about both games when they were new to me, and I know much now, i always keep up to date about changes and patches in the game. Sometimes also a leader. Ive been a pc player for as long as i can remember. I love games and play them all the time. I play Valorant and other games of course. but I basically play everyday for hours hours, even though school starts tomorrow so i might not be able to play as much everyday but i will most definitly try to make room for it. Im very serious about competitive gaming and i think i can reach far.


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