

Jonathan | 25 years old

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Hey! My name is Jonathan but you can call me Jon. I am a competitive, avid gamer who is looking to learn. I'm tired of the ranked system and feel as though solo queueing just isn't worth my time anymore. I have a positive mindset and I usually look at the bright side of things but I abide by a dose of realism as well. Sometimes saying "we can do this" , although not a bad effort, isn't enough and you need to figure out what the problem actually is instead of relying on luck. In-game, I've found myself most often times become the leader of the team, whether I want to or not, it seems the rank I'm currently at, puts me in a position to lead the team or allow the team to fall apart. Coming from not only myself, but those I've played with once I start communicating. From deescalating arguments mid game, to composing strats and audibles, I feel more often than not, that my team needs me to step up or lose. Vocal, and willing to support other team members, I'm looking for a team who hopefully has a similar mindset as me: a desire to win without feeling completely distraught if we make a mistake. Not allowing egos to control our playstyles and trusting each other to fulfill our roles on the team. I'm looking for a team to start playing with to grow as a player and build relationships with other individuals. Who at the end of the day understand it's just a game. But we're gonna do whatever is in our power, to win. SO if you feel similarly, let me know and let's see if we're a good fit for each other.



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