
Basick Sarang

Edon Budha Magar | 26 years old

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As NA keeps giving birth to star Valorant players its about time that Europe shines brightly on the scene too.
so i will become a part of it and will become one of the best players from the European Region.

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Always had the thought and dreamed of plaiyng in tournaments becasue i truly think that i am the type of player who improves as im faced with challenges and can overcome walls of difficulty with effort, dedication and commitment.

In school i was always the kid who tries hard in any hobbies such as basketball, rugby, gaming and other enrichment activities. With this mentality i have always had a competitive nature and have frequently thought of being able to play along side people that can also be as competitive as me.

I was always in starting lineups for school sports in rugby, football, cricket, track team, field team and basketball which i was extremely serious about and even mademy own team to play in event tournaments. There were few issues with this which was that the people around me wasnt as competitive as me instead they treated it as a team of friends that just enters tournaments for fun.

Being 2 and a half years late into basketball experience amongst my friends which they started since year 7, I joined later during year 9. For years 10 and 11 due to my friends interest in basketball a competitive side of me wanted to be part of this so i became a starter of 5 players for the basketball team after dedication and commitment into learning basketball over the summer holidays which then later on went to win our district tournament in year 10 and runners up in year 11,
this carried on through college and eventually my friends left for their studies which only left me to play alone and join the college basketball team where i also became a starter for over 50% of games. This wasnt because i was good at it or anything there were people much more gifted in height that were above 6 ft tall and me onlybeing 5ft 7 inches always showed my eagerness to improve and commit to becoming a better player showed that i had waht it took to deserve the starting player.

Later on i found my self playing alot of pc FPS games such as the late A.V.A which then led to CSGO, some BR games and then Valorant where currently i think hold the best performance from any FPS games that i have played and i didnt only play these games just for fun i played because it gave me a ranked experience to try and achieve the highest rank in the regionwhich is perfect for me. Now i am currently looking for a professional team to play Valorant with and see if i can accomplish the same feats that i have from my past.

Sorry i had quite alot to say inorder to show what i have accomplised and what type of mentaltiy i bring to join this team.


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