

Yunus-Emre | 22 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Shoutcaster Shoutcaster


I have a passion in creating content such as YouTube videos and stream games in order to watch, play and analyse games and game-play to see what can be improved, I love to watch movies/anime and I have read many books in the past which I link them with ideas to create a pitch for my games which I made during my time in college independently as well as in group projects.

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I really enjoy playing games or watching films as I aspire to recreate or impersonate many iconic voice lines in films or games. I also pay attention to details within trailers and montages online and vision how the company or user provides effects in their work to keep the audience entertained.
I have an interest in computer/phone/console hardware and have built my own pc enabling me to play games and make my own edited videos, which I have uploaded online. I also keep up with the digital world with the latest component or device that will be released and how it has been improved and adapted from previous generational products whilst making comparisons of both devices/components .
I am always on social media keeping up with the latest news or updates within my area I live, celebrities, upcoming/ongoing trends and general news around the world. As much news can be left out on the news paper, instagram or twitter fills in those gaps.


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