

Kyle Choi | 24 years old

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I have many ambitions. I would love to become a pro valorant player. At the current state I'm in, I know I cannot compete rn at that level. But I'm hoping being guided by a team and gaining an experience of really taking a game competitively will really let me play at my full potential. I definitely think you should give me a chance and if I'm not what you expected I guarantee I will work the hardest. Not only am I looking at the pro scene, I also am really looking forward to start streaming. And I really think I have the personality to do it. If having a team can help me improve on my gaming skills, I believe I would also enjoy streaming and doing content for a team as well.

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I am currently a diamond player, going between d2 and d3. But I think I do have a lot of potential to grow and get exponentially better. I just got a pc about late March, and valorant is my first mouse and keyboard video game. I've played many games on Xbox in the past and did take many of the games I played seriously. But I never felt I was able to really reach full potential on my gaming ability without a true pc. Now obtaining one, I fell in love with the game valorant and wanted to quickly get better at it. I do feel confident in my abilities but I believe working with a team and actually training and playing bigger and bigger tournaments will eventually get me to improve exponentially.


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