

Isaac | 20 years old

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I aspire to reach Radiant. I plan to work hard and improve to the best of my ability and beyond. I look forward to helping my future teammates as well. In addition, I'd like to grow my Twitch following as I slowly climb the ranks. I play games, so why not stream too?

online experience

  • Meeting people who lift me up while playing has been crucial in changing my view of other players. Now, I try my best to encourage and motivate my teammates and other players, because that's better than tearing them down.
  • Lots of FPS experience. See: Overwatch(Masters), TF2, COD

offline experience

  • Last year, my mindset about skill shifted. I used to think that being talented was something people were naturally gifted with. Now, I realize that smarts and talent come from experience.


Hello. What is below gives context to who I am as a player. Thank you in advance for reading.

I've played VALORANT every week since starting in the beta. This was after my friend had invited me to try to get a code for it. After trying CS:GO a while ago, I thought I'd have the same negative sentiment towards VALORANT. This turned out not to be the case.

After a few weeks, I ended up playing competitive, ranking in silver 1 in the beta. After this, I climbed my way up to silver 3 before the game transitioned to the full release. Here, I withheld my urge to play comp, focusing on unrated in order to improve. I clipped every death, watched every clip, and tried my best to learn from my mistakes. At this point, I tried competitive once more.

Plat 1. That was my placement rank. Shocked, I took a break after my placements and stopped playing for a bit. Days later, I played some unrated, and eventually tried competitive. Long story short: Gold 3.

Here, I became frustrated. What was I doing wrong? What could I do better? At this point, I had realized that I'd been neglecting several of my bad habits relating to my mechanics. I would adjust multiple times after flicks. I wouldn't focus on the target, much less aim for headshots. These habits and more made me wonder how I'd even made it to Plat 1 in the first place.

Act 1 passes; Act 2 arrives. I place Gold 1. After winning my first two matches, after placements, I'd moved up to Gold 2. I take another break.

So here we are today. I played my first match after my 2-win streak and lost. Still Gold 2. Let me preface this by saying that I'm not one to blame teammates, but I do wish that players on my team would learn from their mistakes. It's here that I decided to find proper teammates. Wanting to find driven, improvement-oriented players, I went to Google.

Then I found this site.

If you are looking for a determined, growth-oriented player with aspirations to reach the top, you've found one. Please take the time to consider my application. Thank you.


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