

Michael Dixon | 35 years old

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Dedicating myself to find and help a team achieve great things in Valorant. I am very passionate and want to find a some awesome people who feel the same way and grow and become great at the game.

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Over 16 years of experience in FPS games much of that experience was with Counter Strike since CS 1.6 was released. I played for many teams in ESEA which I achieved to reach ESEA-IM. I am looking for a serious team for valorant and have a very flexible schedule and can would be willing to work with any practice times that the team would have. I am currently Plat-3 ranking in Valorant and am just honestly looking to keep improving and finding a team to do that with. I am looking for a good bunch of people who enjoy playing and like to have fun but take the game very serious I am willing to tryout and play any position I am needed to play, my best champions would be Raze, Phoenix, Reyna, Cypher. Check out my esea profile which the link is in the online experience and if interested please message me any time I am looking forward for the chance to prove myself and go far with the team I find.


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