
Danielskow #316

Daniel | 21 years old

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To put in the hours and hopefully go at least semi-pro in Valorant (or at the very least win some money :D).

online experience

  • ESEA IM (2017)

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I've been playing CS:GO since 2015, and back when I was 12 (2016) I played in ESEA IM for a season before deciding to stop playing competitively. Since Valorant came out, I thought that this was a possibility to start playing competitively again and I've been looking for opportunities wherever I can find them. I play Reyna, Cypher, Brim, and can learn to flex on other agents if given a week or so to practice. When I played CS I was an entry as well as an IGL so I'm comfortable doing either of those roles, but I've also studied the play of certain players such as Xyp9x to understand the support role better so I'm able to fill that as well. I also have a good amount of practice lurking and have also studied other players such as GeT_RiGhT and Coldzera so I'm willing to put in the hours to learn new things.

In beta I reached diamond 2 solo queue before I started playing scrims with my old team, and so far since release I've placed plat 3 and haven't played much comp as I don't enjoy solo queuing. I know my rank is very unimpressive but I'm willing to try out so that you can gauge for yourself whether or not I fit in with the team.



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