

dantecpro | 30 years old

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My ambition is to get to the top tier of valorant esports or get a team who care for their players and are supportive and helpful at all moments in the game even when we are losing or panicking and missing easy shots.

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I am a valorant player who wants to achieve the top tier of esports and get a good team to play for and I can do many roles in valorant depending on what teams need and can start a play which will result in round wins if achieved. Even if they don't work I can adapt to how the enemy team plays and make a play from there. If my plays would fail, I would rethink the strategy and try get the win. I mostly play omen but can play many other agents like jett and cypher as I still play other agents so I can help the team if they need a certain agent. I practice my aim every day and I use my game sense to outsmart enemies. Of course behind every great player is a great team so I would love to join a great team with great players who are supportive and team players. I would love to join your team but if you decline my request to join, I will understand and wish you the best of luck in the tournaments you will play in.


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