

Adrian | 26 years old

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I have always been able to sacrifice a lot in order for the team to progress and I expect the very same from my future team. I always set myself high targets and strive to complete them by practicing and improving as much as needed. Depending on the team's objective be it: radiant rank, high lvl scrims, online/offline tournaments I would only be happy to match it if not push it further.

Of course I don't have as much time on my disposal as I used to when my only daily routine was school. Every hour is crucial and I would be looking for a team that respects it and maximises the potential with each opportunity. Having said that as long as agreed in-advance I would be able to dedicate up to roughly 3-4 hrs few days a week atleast (more on days off). This is subject to change once I get in touch to see how serious we are talking about.

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Fairly new player to Valorant (1 month) but not a newbie to FPS's.

Back in the day (when I was 14) I used to play Team Fortress 2 (5,500 hrs) competitively, won a few things such as a full season and bunch of basic tournaments.
Then moved on to competitive CSGO (3,000 hrs+), got global elite and after that played mainly scrims (high tier) with the teams. Never any major success.
After unsuccessful years of trying to get/create a team that can take-off decided to move to Overwatch (1,500 hrs). I have played loads of scrims there without paying much attention to standard MM but still at the peak it was around 3900 SR.
Same story with the team in Overwatch as it was in CSGO so stopped playing competitively and enjoyed PUBG for 500+ hrs.
When Apex came out last year I instantly got hyped again. My energy for competitive gaming sparked once again and gave teams another shot, this time at my best I was top 800th in the whole game (apex predator that is) along with my teammates who ended on top 900th & 1100th.

Now after roughly 8 years since starting out, with far more responsibilites such as work, mortgage etc the fire for competitive gaming has once again been ignited when I decided to give Valorant a shot.

If you'd like to get in touch add me: Dartenix-8088


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