

Drake | 21 years old

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My goals were to put my strategy and play style to the highest level of play.

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Hi, my name is DrakeAtlas and I have been player Valorant since the Episode 1 Act 2. When I started played Valorant I did not know much about FPS and this game in general, but through every Act i play I have improved bit by bit. Going all the way from Iron to Plat and have occasionally play with diamonds or immortals. Though out my journey in Valorant I have played many different roles from dualist, controller and sentials. But finally I realized that I am actually better at lurking and outplaying my opponents through mind games or position games as well as to ensure that our flank was protected at all cost. Since I have reached Gold/Plat I have been mainly playing Killjoy and Cypher though I am able to flex if needed. From my rank games I have always been the one thinking of ideas and strategy in order to out brain the opponent though it seems like a lot of people in rank do not really want to listen to anyone thus I hope I can join a team and put my strategy and play style to the highest level.

At one point I have also coached a NA team known as Hyped Esports who have won a new tournaments and have also competed in the VCT.


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