
Duck Alarm

Josh | 22 years old

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I want to try and personally take the team as far as i possibly can, i want to compete in various online and IRL tournaments and maybe one day go pro.
I have both a car and a job so i can contribute funding to any LANS or other IRL events that require funding. I can also travel and transport any players that cant make it.
I am willing to put both the hours in to the team and soloq to achieve my highest level of skill.
Ultimately, i want to strive to reach the highest level of play in valorant (the pro scene) and i am determined to reach that at all costs.

online experience

  • DMG on csgo w/ 500hours
  • Various scrims for various games (cs,lol etc)
  • Experience with multiple teams

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Yo, Im josh and im 18 from England and im looking for a valorant team that are committed, eager to play and will strive to achieve the best outcome for the team.
I am available all day everyday right now due to covid-19 but once lockdown is over i will still be available for most days for long periods of time (6-10 hours).
I will also be attending university in September where i will be undergoing an esports team so i will get into communication with alot of people who were and already are in the competitive scene for alot of games. I will be able to communicate to these people and gain alot of helpful tips and contacts to help push our team to the next level.

(P.S wanted to put High-/High+ but had to put medium+)


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