

Balazs Barna | 16 years old

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I would like to pursue professional valorant as a career

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Hi, my in game name is Echo. I’m a 15 year old gamer, who’s played Valorant for 3 years. I’ve played other games including super people PUBG and CSGO. I’m most passionate about competitive FPS games. I have managed to reach 2k hours on Valorant and have peaked immortal 2.
I am a friendly, team oriented player. I have good clean communication and I’m very adaptable to unique situations. I can fulfil many roles including support flex entry and lurk. My preferred role is entry as i have fast reaction time and snappy aim and an aggressive play-style. I am quick witted and my temper is calm, I am hard to tilt, this comes in clutch under pressure in difficult situations. I have strong mental fortitude and fight till the end.
I am thriving for success and willing to go the extra mile for the team, that be an extra hour of practice or filling roles.
I am fun to play with and like to talk about memes, sports and youtube videos. I hope to go pro (and maybe pursue as career)in gaming one day and looking to gain experience in playing in a more serious team based environment.
I am very open to criticism and looking to learn and improve. Please feel free to contact me if you feel you are looking for a team member like me, or would like to start playing in a team.
Thank you for reading.


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