
ehmza #magic

Kennie | 33 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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Going all the way to beat Tenz :)
I want to find the best players possible wanting to go pro and make it happen. Like we make a deal sticking together as a team for a year and see where it gets. I'd just love giving it a fullblown shot going pro in Valorant.

I am writing a book with a shotcalling language to make my team pro xD My thoughts with this book is to make a language as simple and effective as possible that makes 10.000 calls possible with just having a language. When it's done the plan is that everyone on the team can be a part of editing the definitions of the words and callouts.

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lft with all players wanting to become pro and committing 100% for this team to develop becoming it.

I have experience with playing on csgo teams with lvl 10 faceit requirements.

My long list of lineups triggers any nerd alert. I can play any role on a high skill lvl but I pref to play Sentinel atm or nerdy agents if nobody is better.


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