
Emeraldinii #live

Edgar Oyola Jr | 22 years old

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My biggest Ambition is being recruited by a team that cares, and is dedicated to being a potential contender of VCT. It's a big dream, but I want it. If a team wants to build on it with me, I would be glad. I have gotten very few offers from teams, but they were not serious enough.

online experience

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offline experience

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I am a Valorant player in the Mid to High Ascendant rank looking for a team to play with, and lead into tournaments as a potential In Game Leader. I am huge on people's health and keeping most, if not, all situations calm and collected.
I am extremely versatile, but mainly do play a first contact Raze and a supportive Astra waiting to gain value through both Nova or Gravity Well.
I am becoming huge into the VCT Tournaments. I always keep a sharp eye on Marved being a Controller, and Redgar being an IGL, and the differences on how they play within Tournaments and Competitive. Not only do I watch, but I take this mindset into games to quickly rise from Silver to Ascendant, and no plan on stopping from here! I know I have the potential to be in Immortal, and the mindset to make it to Radiant.

I do not have the greatest experience in eSports Gaming, but that is what I want to gain more of.
My only experience is as follows:

The College of New Jersey | Valorant A Team of 2021 - 2022
Online Tournaments (not every team had the same exact Roster) | Record: 21W - 25L
Twitch Affiliate

Definitely reach out to me, as my Discord is Emeraldinii # 9 3 3 6.
Thank you for Reading!


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