
EnixX #12345

EnixX | 124 years old

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I am trying to get into a team and become a Streamer as well as going pro in major games such as Valorant. I also want to play in tournaments with my team. I am also trying to start a business.

online experience

  • CSGO
  • Fortnite
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 3
  • Valorant
  • Apex Legends

offline experience

  • I have a General knowledge in Programming


Hi, I am EnixX, and I am a budding streamer on Twitch. I have been playing FPS games for over four years and other games for over six years. I am extremely dedicated to playing Valorant; currently, I have the right amount of knowledge around this game and have been playing this since I got the Beta Key. Before I played Valorant, I had previous CSGO experience, and switching over to Valorant was not too hard for me. I have also played other games such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. I have greatly improved since the Beta Ended and play around a Gold - Silver area in Ranked. I also top frag most of my games in both Unrated and Ranked. I am also very hard working and always try to get better at anything that I attempt to do. I bring a lot to the team as I have experience and can teach the right spots and give detailed callouts. I am also not Toxic, and I don't curse.
In conclusion, I am looking forward to joining your team, and I hope that you will recruit me.

Thank You for taking the time out of your day to review my application.


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