

Neonnite Shines | N/A years old

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My ambitions are to find a team I can play valorant with from home, to get involved with the competitive community.

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Hey, Im a female gamer looking to join a mostly female team for valorant in the UK, I'm 16 in october and just generally enjoy the game.
I'm looking for people to play comp with. I hate solo queing as the call outs rarely occur or are in another language that I do not speak / understand myself.
The community is not always as nice either, though most of the time I do not use VC in fear of getting trolled, that and the fact my gamer take looks like fortnite which I now really want to change once 30 days is up.

Im not a serious pro, currently crawling my way out of silver as a solo, I feel having a team would really help.

I realise though that alot of people want 18+, which is understandable. I can assure you though if you cannot find an appilcant from the uk who is 18+ I will try my hardest as a 15 pretty much almost 16 year old to match that level of maturity / proffesionalism if required.


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