

Peyton | 25 years old

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Not really getting too ambitious yet just because im pretty new to this, but my main goals are to: learn how work withing a comp team, find my role within the team, and overall get a better understanding of strat calling and how to play with them. Of course I would also like to play in a few tournaments.

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I've played a few fps shooters in the past, but i just started playing on pc a little over 3 years ago. Over 1000 hours in csgo, but honestly most of it was just messing around and learning the game. On csgo the highest rank I was able to reach was gold nova master, and I played some games on Faceit but no more than like 25. On Valorant specifically i have no idea how many hours I have but I would say I have at the least over 100 hours. When playing in game I mainly entry frag but Im pretty flexible, and I can adjust to whatever the team needs. When it comes to practing with the team, I'm willing to practice and put the time in if necessary to help the team, and I try and constantly train my aim before I begin play for the day. As far as experience goes, I have never played on any sort of premade team in the past, so im just looking to get into something and see what happens.


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