

Ricardo Resendiz | 23 years old

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Ricardo Michael Resendiz#13194 icon
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I wish to bring a championship or tournament win to whoever brings me on board and I would also like to become a part time streamer or content creator after my time as a pro is over, I love to entertain people and even had a manager in Hollywood for acting when I was younger, something I might go back to later in my life.

online experience

  • I've only played Valorant on PC competitively

offline experience

  • I play Skyrim, Darksiders, and other RPG's to give my mind creative freedom from the normal hyper focused environment in Valorant


I'm a Platinum level smoker in Valorant. I main Omen and I would consider myself adept in both game sense and gun play. I work really well with others but at the same time demand greatness and can be a leader for my teammates if they become discouraged or down on their luck. Valorant was the first FPS I've ever played on PC and with that I feel like I have a natural advantage since I am already acclimated to the controls and the recoil of the game since I know no other game like Valorant on PC. I used to be a Platinum console player on Rainbow 6 Siege. I can also play Sage/Reyna if we need different team comps to play against other teams or if we want to shake up a series and surprise the opposition. I'm a shotcaller and entry fragger for my team if they need the extra push onto site, and in other situations I can lurk and pick the enemy team off to open up opportunities for my teammates. I feel like my skill ceiling is very high because with the right coaching and environment I can easily reach pro status and my hard work when it comes to the game is unmatched, I'm willing to pull all nighters, change my lifestyle, and do anything it takes to help my team succeed, all I need is a chance to prove myself.


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